
2 Ne 26:

V 10. "...and they sell themselves for naught; for, for 
the reward of their pride and their 
foolishness they shall reap destruction..."

Nothing is worth it unless it's God's.  Anything else leads to destruction, aka: suffering, misery, etc.

11.  "For the Spirit of the Lord will 
not always strive with man.  And 
when the Spirit ceaseth to strive
with man then cometh speedy 
destruction, and this grieveth my soul."

The Spirit doesn't make us do or feel anything.  It is our choice to be worthy of the presence of the Spirit.  When we choose not to have it with us, we don't live like we were meant to.  We don't have time not to have it; we have too much to do.  Make the choice to become who you were meant to be, who you want to be.

13.  "And that he manifesteth himself
unto all those who believe in him,
by the power of the Holy Ghost...
according to their faith."

He wants us to know him.  We know Him through the Spirit, which we must live worthily to have with us.  The Spirit gives us knowledge of him through our faith, which makes all of this possible.

15.  "... and all those who have  
dwindled in unbelief shall not be forgotten."

Mercy.  Comfort makes no demand for perfection.

28.  "Behold, hath the Lord 
commanded any that they should not
partake of his goodness?  Behold, I
say unto you, Nay; but all men are
privileged the one like unto the other,
and none are forbidden."

Again, He invites us to know Him.  No person is exempt from the love of God.

31.  "But the laborer in Zion shall 
labor for Zion; for if they labor for
money they shall perish."

Work because you love God.  Working for anything else leads to disappointment.

33.  "For none of these iniquities 
come of the Lord; for he doeth that
which is good among the children of
men; and he doeth nothing save it
be plain unto the children of men;
and he inviteth them all to come
unto him and partake of his good-
ness; and he denieth none that come
unto him, black and white, bond
and free, male and female; and he
remembereth the heathen; and all
are alike unto God, both Jew and

The loving nature of our Father.  It really isn't such a mystery.

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