

I wonder, in the moments where I venture to be honest with myself, which parts of me are actually me - innate and infallible - and which are simply something I've created to hide behind.

The thing is, I've gotten too comfortable.  I think.  The thing is, I have some commitment issues.  This was a surprising realization at first, but an accurate one as I've come to find.  I became so accustomed, years ago, to walking on unsteady grounds that seemed to fall away just as soon as I had found my footing.  I learned quickly to commit to little and expect even less.  But the survival tactics we develop as a child tend to do us a disservice in the future.  I've gotten too comfortable.  I've spent too much time clinging to comfort and avoiding growth in the process.

The simple fact of the matter being, it's time for me to stop hiding.


  1. Very well said! I recently had very similar thoughts. And I love these photos!

  2. yes, don't hide. There is so much of this world to see, explore and experience. I often get too comfortable in my surroundings that I fear taking that step outside into a new world. Life is less interesting that way though

  3. I can feel & agree with many points in this post..
    Kind regards

  4. "I wonder, in the moments where I venture to be honest with myself, which parts of me are actually me - innate and infallible - and which are simply something I've created to hide behind."

    I'm sure you've read that quote that says that she didn't remember which parts of her were from books and which parts were actually her. I feel like this a lot. What parts of my personality are actually me, what parts are things I've gleaned from life around me, and what parts of me are just inherited bits of my family? It's hard to feel like yourself amid all of that. Easy to get lost.


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