

"Hope on. Journey on. 
Honestly acknowledge your questions and your concerns, 
but first and forever 
fan the flame of your faith
because all things are possible 
to them that believe."

Drew finally came home yesterday, after deserting me*.  Which means I was actually able to get a good night's sleep for the first time in FOREVER.**

It's kind of pathetic, really.  I used to sleep alone every single night of my life and everything went fine.  Now I have to wear one of Drew's shirts and leave lights on, and not even that works.

Before Drew happened, I planned on living all alone in a classy studio apartment...in New York, or somewhere else edgy, until I was at least 28.  When I think about that now, I just laugh. 

Oh, and I didn't end up getting that promotion, in case anyone cares.  I took it harder than I should have, mostly because the news came on the week of the month where I'm incapable of handling most anything emotionally.  You know.

Seriously.  It was so dramatic.  The only thing I can compare it to is the feeling of getting dumped. Where you feel sad and heavy and sorry for yourself all day long.  And you might be able to take your mind off of it here and there, but then you remember.  And it's like you just heard the news for the first time all over again.  And you can't stop talking about it to everyone and anyone who gives you eye contact.  This can go on for any number of days.  And did.  But I'm better now.

If you're like me, and your guilty pleasure is acoustic guitar, poetic lyrics and haunting melodies, you should really listen to this guy.  He just released a new album, and I'm obsessed.  It's the perfect rainy day music, but I listen to it every other day too.  It makes Drew want to fall asleep.

I'm getting seriously annoyed with being a grown-up in the Summertime.  In any other season, it's still generally bothersome, but not nearly to this degree.  I need outdoor adventures involving tan lines, swim suits, sunglasses, questionably-colored lake water, boat fuel, and not wearing pants!  Don't you understand?  But I'm just sitting in a chair.  In jeans!

*going on a business trip
**meaning two whole entire days


  1. dude i love your rambly posts. my siblings all question my sanity when i laugh at the computer screen though.

    just so you know, my dad was a truck driver for like a year when i was little. mom used to be so scared she'd scoot the dresser in front of the bedroom door when he was gone.

    i feel super bad for you sitting in a chair in jeans. i practically live in my swim clothes because if we're bored (practically all summer aside from chores) we jump in the pool. it's the life ;)

    anywho, i'm excited on the project!!! so i actually stopped swimming early (and i didn't want to burn) so i could work on it. eeek!


    1. She pulled a dresser in front of her door? That's genius! Seriously, I don't know why I've never thought of that. Things get so scary at night!

      Yeah, really jealous of the whole pool situation. Trying not to hate you right now.

  2. Being a grown up in summertime is the absolute worst. I've been an adult (arguably) for a few years now but this is the first summer that has felt super adult to me. Partly because this is the first summer where I have had to be up every day at stupid 7AM. Like an adult. Excuse me? NO. It's summer. I must sleep until 10 or 11 and then go sleep outside and get sun burned. Being an adult is the pits.

    Also thank you for the music recommendation! I am all sorts of addicted now!


    1. 7AM?! Ew! I wake up at about 8:30 and mosey into work at nine haha. I can't imagine getting up that early every single day! You're much better at being an adult than I am. Either way, it's no fun. no fun at all.

      I'm glad you like Gregory's music! He's so good!

  3. I'm sorry about jeans in the summer time. That just doesn't seem right.
    That stinks about the promotion, but I bet God's just planning on opening a different door.

    1. It really isn't right! Thank you for that, I had to get over my pride a little bit. But you're right. God's plan is the best plan and the sooner we accept that, the better!

  4. You are so right! It should be prohibited to work in summer!

    1. Seriously. What would be so bad about that? We could all just go to an island and eat fruit and lay around.

  5. first of all, my husband works a lot of different shifts than me, and it's so ridiculously hard to fall asleep or have a good sleep when he's not there. it's always too hot or the bed is too big or the dogs are weird ....frustratinggggggg
    so sorry about the job :( things like that always suck so hard.

    1. Exactly, it's just impossible to get comfortable without them!

  6. I haven't gone a day yet not seeing Marcus since the first time we hung out. I'm definitely nervous for the first time I do, especially the night!

    1. haha oh my word! I didn't realize this. If/when that happens, I'll expect a large amount of texts from you.


    And I'm so glad your man is home.
    I don't want to think about the first time J is gone overnight.
    Not thinking about it.

    1. haha that's the way to do it. Just deny that it's ever going to happen.

  8. HAHAHA! that last paragraph was the best. Because I've been feeling that, too! It's the first summer for me that I'm not on summer vacation from school. Instead I'm stuck in this spiral of work-school-eat-sleep, YEARROUND and it sucks. And I have pants on the entire time, too. haha.

    Aw, I'm sorry about the job. And even more sorry that the news came during *that* time. I basically shriveled up and died last weekend for the same reason.

    I've been so lame and I've missed reading your posts! Time to catch up!


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